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we love a natter

Get in Touch

Quick answers

In a hurry? Here are some quick, simple answers to the questions people ask most often. Before you get in touch, see if we’ve answered yours. 

  • Looking to make a payment?

    You cannot make payments through our online form below. If you want to make a payment you can do so on our mobile app, internet banking or in store. You can also call us on +90544 483 3376 if you are a personal customer or +90544 483 3376 if you are a business customer.

  • Need to change your personal details?

    We will need to talk to you in store or over the phone to make changes to your personal details. We will not be able to make any changes though our online form below.

  • Lost your card or had it stolen?

    If you have lost your card or had it stolen you should cancel it immediately. You can do this through our mobile app, on internet banking or in store. You can also call us on +90544 483 3376 if you are a personal customer or +90544 483 3376 if you are a business customer. We will not be able to cancel your card straight away if you send us a message through the online form.

  • Do you want to make a complaint?

    We want to make the process for making a complaint as easy as possible and so you can submit these online. Just scroll down to the bottom of this page to the complaints section.

  • In the process of switching to us?

    Thanks for switching! We will be working with your existing bank to transfer over your direct debits, salary, inward payments and standing orders. This takes 7 days to complete and we will contact you when we’re done. If it has been longer than this please contact us on the details below.

Still have questions? Let us know, we love hearing from you.

You can get in touch 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can call us, mail us, come see us or send us a tweet. Here’s how. 

By Phoneimage of a phone

Speak to someone in our London based contact centre, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

  • Personal Customers
    Call us on +90544 483 3376
  • Business Customers
    Call us on +90544 483 3376

Calling from outside Turkey? Use 0090544 483 3376

Call charges might apply – check with your service provider

Face to face

All of our friendly stores are open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm on a Saturday and 11am to 5pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Online form

Send us a message – we’ll aim to get back to you within 24 hours.

On Twitter

Have you had a great moment in-store with one of our colleagues? We’d love to hear about it!

Seen something fishy?

If you’ve been sent an email which looks suspicious, don’t reply to it. It might be fraudulent. Forward it to us at [email protected] and we’ll investigate. 

Write to us

Prefer pen and paper? Send us a letter to the following address:

TCMB Bank, One Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA.

Make a complaint

We take our outstanding customer service very seriously. If you’re not happy about something, we need to know. Tell us what went wrong: